Feel It to Heal It

Feel It to Heal It

from CA$400.00

Emotional Intelligence Assessment and Coaching

$400.00 EQ Assessment & Debrief

$695.00 EQ Assessment, Debrief + 1 coaching session

$1070.00 EQ Assessment, Debrief + 3 hour coaching sessions

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It's all about relationship

Emotional Intelligence does not exist apart from relationships. We are created, developed, and sustained in relationship throughout our lives. Our brain and our emotional competencies develop in relationship. As adults, our emotional intelligence is dynamic. Most of us run the gamut of being emotionally agile to emotionally hijacked depending upon the situation and the stress we are under.

This tool provides individuals with a profile of their internal experience when challenged or stress in relationship to another person.

The assessment is done online by watching a series of 8 video segments. You will receive the report within a week. We will schedule a call to debrief the assessment with Dori Howard of enso, a licensed Learning in Action practitioner and coach. This thorough debrief will also include recommendations for learning and development.


The follow up coaching session(s) allow us to take a deeper dive, recognize old patterns and begin to shift to ways of moving through emotions in healthy ways, especially during conflict.

Each coaching session is 60 mins plus follow-up resources and support.